Fighting With Colombian Women Can be Productive, According To Therapists

When we’re talking about Colombian women, most of us think of Sofia Vergara, who has that full embodiment of a Latina with a bit more fire in her blood. They may be almost perfect, but there can be reservations during the relationship especially if a fight occurs. Should the men be worried? According to therapists, fighting with them can actually be productive. Let’s find out more.

What Colombian Women Are Like

Before we can go deeper with the topic, let us identify first what the females of Colombia are like. The top two cities of the country are Bogota, which is the capital, and Medellin, one of the most visited locations by foreigners. Women from both cities are similar in most ways but still have differences due to socio-cultural background.

Women in Medellin Colombia are more traditional. What this means is that their family ties are stronger and they value appearances highly. Referred to as “Paisas”, these women are what most of us describe as “country folks”. Thus, those who seek to have relationships with them must adhere to the traditions they are upholding.

On the other hand, the women from Bogota are a bit more modern or Western-like. This is because the capital city is the melting pot of the country. There are people from various walks of life with different cultural backgrounds. However, this doesn’t mean that they are not family-oriented or don’t value appearances as much. They still do, yet they like independence more.

Bogota women, or also referred to as “Rolas”, may be more liberated, but they still have those classic traits of a Colombian like the international celebrity we’ve mentioned earlier. In fact, women of Colombia have been key factors in military aspects throughout the country’s history. That might explain the additional spice to their feistiness.

How Can Fighting With Colombian Women Be Productive

In relationships, it is normal to have a fight or argument. But is it okay for foreign men, who are dating Columbian women, to engage in conflict with them? According to the therapists, a fight can be productive. How so? Here are the following explanations:

  • A Fight Can Be A Teachable Moment
    A teachable moment means that you get to learn more about your Colombian girl beyond what she was saying about herself. You will see and feel for yourself if her description matches what she really is. Also, you get to learn more about yourself and how you react to a foreigner you are in a relationship with.
  • A Fight Can Find Areas For Improvement
    A relationship conflict can point out the areas where each of you or both are lacking. If you think on a bright side, this can also mean that these are areas for improvement. If at least one of you realizes this, then you can be positive knowing that your relationship can get better.
  • A Fight Can Exercise Problem-Solving Skills
    Most therapists say that when you engage in a fight-or-flight situation, your problem-solving skills will exponentially develop. This can also be true when dealing with arguments within a relationship. For foreigners, it can be confusing at first to determine what does a Colombian love or hate since there’s so much passion involved. But after a few fights, your experiences will help you analyze which is which.

What To Do When Fighting

Not all fights have a potential to be productive from the start. In fact, it takes a great outlook to see that side of things. But no one needs to worry, for therapists say that your response can make a fight productive. Here are very important tips that you can apply to your future or current relationship.

  • Don’t Treat A Fight As If The Other Person Is An Enemy
    The Colombian dating culture focuses on how you treat the very passionate Colombian women as life companion. So, if you engage in a fight with her, the only way to prevail is to keep your cool at all times. Remember that you are not fighting with an enemy. There’s no need for hostility in any form.
  • Learn To Be Accountable Of Own Faults
    Accountability is much more difficult to apply compared to blaming. But you can choose your words and phrases so as to shift the tone from blame to acceptance. Instead of the aggressive “you are making me angry”, you can choose to say “I feel not okay”. The phrases are not that far away, definition-wise, but the tone can enhance your ability to handle a disagreement.
  • Prioritize Listening Skills
    Listening skills may vary since Bogota and Medellin Colombia dating scenes are different. The former is leaning towards modern practices while the latter is more traditional. You can have the capability to listen with a Paisas or a Rolas, but make sure to take into account the context of what they are saying and their cultural background.
  • Practice Journaling
    Journaling is similar to writing a diary but now, you can do it using your smartphone. It can be taxing to remember things from here and there because of very different backgrounds. Fortunately, journaling not only helps you provide an outlet for negative feelings but also ease your burden in remembering and internalizing important details.
  • Let Bygones Be Bygones
    Columbian dating can get easier if you focus on the present rather than recalling past disagreements. With such a passionate woman, you don’t want to compromise your peace of mind, right? So whatever’s being settled before, let it stay that way.
  • Don’t Force Things
    Not all fights can be resolved in a peaceful manner but you can avoid adding fuel to the fire. If a normal conversation is hard to start, take a break for a while. Cooler heads must prevail when communicating with each other so that your negative feelings won’t blind your path towards problem-solving.


If you plan to meet Colombian women, make sure you are ready for a productive fight. Along the way, you may forget things and get confused on how to resolve things but don’t worry. With the aforementioned tips from the therapists, you can weather the storm with ease.